Prevent & Treat Chikungunya with These Home Remedies

In the season of monsoon everybody loves rain but we all know monsoon has its downsides too. And the downside for all of us are mosquitoes. These deadly mosquitoes make you itch just by thinking about them. They not just only create annoying buzz and itchy nuisance but are also the carriers of deadly diseases like Dengue, Malaria and Chikungunya.

What is Chikungunya and how is Chikungunya Transmitted?

Chikungunya is a viral disease which is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes which are Aedes aegypti and Aedes Albopictus, commonly known as yellow fever mosquito. Chikungunya disease is hardly fatal. The symptoms of chikungunya are self-limiting and lasts for 2-3 days. The chikungunya virus remains in a human system for 5-7 days. During this period, mosquitoes feeding on an infected person can also become infected. Several symptoms of chikungunya are similar to dengue as a result of which it can be easily misdiagnosed in areas where both these diseases are common.

What are the Symptoms of Chikungunya?

Here is a list of early symptoms of chikungunya diseases:

  1. Fever
  2. Joint Pain
  3. Swelling in finger, hand and foot joints
  4. Gastrointestinal complications
  5. Rashes
  6. Fatigue
  7. Nausea
  8. Occasional cases of eye, neurological and heart complications
  9. Eucalyptus
  10. Rosemary
  1. Fever:

    Fever is one of the many symptoms of chikungunya, caused by bite of infected mosquitoes followed by severe joint pain. The signs and symptoms of chikungunya generally appear within two to seven days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. There is no effective antiviral treatment that exists to prevent this fever. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  2. Joint Pain:

    The chikungunya virus causes severe joint pain in the body including knees, feet, ankles, fingers, shoulders and occasionally hips and shoulders are also involved. The joint pain is the counter attack of body’s immune system to the viral infection. For many, joint pain takes weeks or months to subside.

  3. Swelling in finger, hand and foot joints:

    The viral attack caused due to chikungunya activates antibodies which often end up striking cartilages at the joints. This leads to inflammation in joints, often limiting the body movement.

  4. Gastrointestinal complications:

    Not only do marigolds make your landscape attractive but they also carry Pyrethrum which is a compound which is used in several insect repellents. You can place potted marigolds near doors, windows as well as common mosquito entry points.

  5. Rashes:

    Besides fever and joint pain, rashes are the most common issue when infected by a chikungunya mosquito. The rashes generally occur a day or two after the onset of fever. These rashes are itchy and usually appear on the legs and spreads to the arms.

  6. Fatigue:

    Tiredness and fatigue are some of the common symptoms of chikungunya. Fatigue caused due to chikungunya makes it difficult to even move around the house.

  7. Nausea:

    Chikungunya infection causes uneasiness in the stomach due to which one feels the urge to vomit. Uneasiness during nausea is felt in chest, abdomen and throat.

  8. Occasional cases of eye, neurological and heart complications:

    The chikungunya fever might cause eye, neurological and heart complications along with gastrointestinal complaints.

How to Treat Chikungunya?

Chikungunya is rapidly spreading like an epidemic, with more and more cases being reported every year. However, there are some cures for chikungunya that can be taken in order to get rid of the disease:

  1. Generally, supportive therapy is recommended to ease the symptoms and some anti-inflammatory drugs like naproxen, paracetamol can be of great help.
  2. Acetaminophen drug can be used to relieve pain and fever. Taking Acetaminophen will help ease the symptoms and relives the patient from joint pain. Do not rely on aspirin or any other anti-steroidal drugs as they do not give proper results.
  3. Chikungunya patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids in order to prevent dehydration. Drinking water or juices helps eliminate the infections from the body, is the best chikungunya treatment for joint pains and also gives the feel good and fresh feeling to the patient.
  4. Chikungunya patients are recommended to get plenty of rest. Complete bed rest for at least 7 days is advised to a chikungunya patient even after the body has come to its normal temperature.

Chikungunya Home Remedies

Here are some of the home remedies that can be used to cure chikungunya:

  1. Epsom salt soak
  2. Turmeric
  3. Ginger
  4. Coconut water
  5. Tulsi (Basil Leaves)
  6. Sunflower seeds and Honey
  1. Epsom salt soak:

    This salt helps ease the pain. Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate crystals that reduces inflammation and pain. In addition to this, warm water improves blood circulation in the body.

  2. Turmeric:

    A highly effective home remedy to reduce the pain caused due to chikungunya virus. Turmeric contains curcumin that has high anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agents which are helpful in easing the pain.

  3. Ginger:

    The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of ginger helps combat pain and provides relief to chikungunya patients.

  4. Coconut water:

    Coconut water has a very positive effect on the liver and that’s where chikungunya virus often attacks after infecting the body. Coconut water helps in speedy recovery and reduces the chikungunya symptoms.

  5. Tulsi (Basil Leaves):

    Basil helps reduce the body temperature. It contains anti-oxidants that boosts the immune system and helps in quick recovery. One can simply chew basil leaves once or twice a day or boil a few basil leaves in water and drink it.

  6. Sunflower seeds and Honey:

    The mixture of powdered sunflower seeds and honey is a great mixture that helps in relieving joint pain. Sunflower seeds are full of Zinc and Vitamin E which are essential for the immune system. On the other side, honey is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Check out home remedies for malaria & list of monsoon diseases on Odomos blog.

Chikungunya Prevention

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure! Here are some of the preventive measures that you should take against chikungunya:

  1. Keep yourself covered and minimize skin exposure :

    Avoid getting bitten which can be done by wearing long sleeves, socks and long pants. Wrap all the gaps in your clothing from where mosquitoes can even get to your skin. Trying staying indoors if and when possible. Or you can simply apply a thin layer of Odomos mosquito repellent cream or mosquito repellent lotion.

  2. Use mosquito repellents :

    Mosquito repellents are the best way to prevent mosquito bites. Applying a good quality and natural mosquito repellent gel like Odomos will provide 100% protection against mosquito bite, have no side effect on your skin and make its effect stay on you for more than 8 hours. New advanced Odomos uses a formula which masks the distinctive body odor that human skin emits and makes you virtually invisible for the mosquitoes. Also, because it is made with natural ingredients; it is safe for children, gets easily absorbed by the skin and smells great too. It is available in spray, gel, cream, roll on, patches and wrist band formats.

  3. Keep a check on your surroundings :

    Keep an eye on your surroundings by regularly eliminating water, covering the trash cans, using insecticides to destroy mosquitoes. You can just use mosquito repellent spray by Odomos.

  4. Don’t let water accumulate :

    Ensure regular cleaning of the standing water in the gutters, buckets, playsets, AC pans where mosquitoes can breed. Change the water in birdbaths and pools on regular basis to damage the potential habitat of mosquitoes.

  5. Try growing marigold and lemon grass :

    Wage a war against mosquitoes by growing marigold and lemon grass. These plants carry essential oils and act as a natural mosquito repellent. Place them near the windows and doors and see how they will actually shoo away the mosquitoes.

They say prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, we recommend you to apply a mosquito repellent before stepping out of the house during the peak mosquito season. It will not only keep you protected against different types of mosquitoes bite but also prevent the mosquitoes from coming near you. A natural and skin-friendly mosquito repellent like Odomos not only offers 99.9% protection against mosquito bites but is also made with herbs and contains natural ingredients that are easily absorbed by skin. It smells great, safe for application on children and is available in easy to apply and carry formats like creams, gels, sprays, roll-ons, patches and wrist bands.

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